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   ( كما تشع الشمس على الجميع فان الحرية حق للجميع )

     Algaddafi International  Prize  for human rights is an international non-governmental Organization concerned with human and peoples rights without discrimination as for race ,ethnicity, sex, colour ,or religion . Its Headquarters is in Tripoli, Libyan Jamahiriya .
It is supervised by an international Peoples Committee, chaired by the freedom-fighter ( Ahmed Ben Bella), embracing in its membership a number  of professors and specialists ,who are well versed  in causes of Human Rights from various countries, known for their competence and integrity . It has an executive office the General Secretary of which is Professor Nuri Alhameidi.
The Prize has other organizations such as the Geneva-based Society of North –South -21 for cultural dialogue . It is an  observer member in the Economic and Social Council and in  the UN non-governmental  organizations. There is also Alghaddafi Institute for Human Rights which is affiliated to the Prize.
The prize is awarded every year to one of the international personalities, bodies or organizations that have distinctively contributed to rendering an outstanding human service and has achieved great actions in defending Human rights ,protecting the causes of freedom and supporting peace everywhere in the world.  
It is worth mentioning that the Prize does not receive any funds, aid or conditional fiscal gifts ,furthermore, It is not subject to any political criteria or conditions .
The Prize categorically believes that freedom is an indivisible natural right for Man ; it is not a gift or grace from anybody, and that safeguarding it is a general human responsibility.
Alghaddafi International Prize for Human Rights was established in 1988 by virtue of a decision issued by the Peoples Congresses in indebtedness and gratitude for the Revolutionary  Muammer Alghaddafi  and in appreciation for his role in firmly establishing the principle of direct democracy, his persistent struggle ,his distinctive inspiration and continuous instigation for the consolidation of human liberty and for issuing the Great Green Document in the era of the masses  for the purpose  of bestowing tribute upon symbolic figures of struggle and faith in the values of freedom to all humans, nations, groups and individuals .
Aims of the Prize :-
- Supporting peaceful struggle for realizing freedom of Man and for the enjoyment of his rights.
-  Struggle against racial discrimination.
- Participation in raising  collective and individual   awareness on the importance of human rights and their significance ,purport and guarantees regardless of difference of religion, race, color or culture.
- Contribution to creating an international freedom-fighting movement for emphasizing  and respecting the rights  of Man and peoples inspired by  the stipulations of the Great Green Document for Human Rights and the International Declaration for Human Rights in addition to all relevant international Charters.
Alghaddafi International Prize for Human Rights consists of the following Organs :-
1.The International Peoples Committee of Alghaddafi Prize for Human Rights.
2.The Executive Office.
3. The International support  institution for the Prize with an advisory capacity.
4. The organization of North South 21 for cultural Dialogue .
5. The Ghaddafi institute for Human rights and liberties.
The honored Persons who were awarded the Alghaddafi Human rights Prize:-
1.The Great African freedom-fighter President Nelson Mandela (1989).
2. The Children of stones in Occupied Palestine                           (1990)
3. The Red Indians ( for the struggle of the Indian Nation)           ( 1991)
4. The African Centre for combating Aids                                      (1992)
5. The victim children of Bosnia & Herzegovina                            (1993)
6. The Union of Human Rights Societies and Peoples in Africa   (1994)
7. The freedom-fighter Ahmed Ben Bella and former Portuguese President Costa Gomez.                                                                    (1995)
8.The American Moslem freedom-fighter Louise Farakan                (1996)
9. The symbols of woman struggle for freedom & equality           (1997)
10 .Freedom- Fighter President Fidel Castro.                                (1998)
 11. The Children of Iraq ,victims of hegemony and embargo      (1999)
12. Five symbols of national struggle and  defense for freedom and equality; Suha Bishara- joseph Kea Zirbo- Ivomor Ellis Ima –the Movement of September , The European Centre for the Third world.                                                                                                 (2000)      
13. A group of  writers ,Men of letters ,outstanding Notables  nationals, Arabs and international :-                                                (2002)                                                        
1.Mr Mamado Diaye                    2. Mr Rogeh Jarrodi
3.Mr Ibrahim Alkonie                  4. Mr John Ziter
5.Mr Nadeem  Albetar                 6. Mr Ali M Almosrati
7.Mr Khaifa  M Attelisie               8.Mr Mohamed A Alsherif
9.Mr Ali fahmi khshiem              10. Rajab Muftah Abodabos
11.Mohamed Moftah Elfitori      12.Ali Sodgy Abdulgader
13.Ahmed Ibrahim Elfagieh
14. His Holiness Pope Shnoda the Third ,Pope of  Alexandria and the Patriarch of Karaza Almorgasia.                                                    ( 2003)
15. President Hugo  Chavez- President of Bolivarian Venezuela (2004)















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جائزة القذافي الدولية لحقوق الإنسان